A Last Will and a Living Will are two different estate planning documents: one deals with your affairs after you have passed on, while the other deals with your affairs while you are alive. A Last Will and Testament specifies decisions relating to the end of your life. A Living Will allows someone to make health care decisions on your behalf. If, for instance, you slip into a coma or no longer have the mental capacity to make decisions on your own, your Living Will expresses your wishes in regards to what type of health care you wish to receive. A Living Will, may for instance, contain a “Do Not Resuscitate” order or a refusal for a very specific type of medical procedure. We can assist you with a foolproof guide on how to create your legal documents. 

To create a Living Will, you need to be at least 18 years of age and be of sound mind. You also need to appoint someone to act as your “Attorney” (otherwise known as an “Agent” or “Proxy” in some provinces) to convey your health care wishes to your family and physician who may be looking after you in a hospital. A Living Will can ensure that the choices relating to your health are respected by all parties impacted by your incapacity.

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Being asked to be the Executor on behalf of a loved one is often viewed as a sign of honour and respect.

It can also be an incredibly stressful experience if you are ill-prepared. If you are asked to be an Executor, do you know what your responsibilities will be?

An Executor has specific duties and responsibilities to undertake. If you ever find yourself in the position of taking on the role and responsibilities of Executor, you may want to familiarize yourself with what you will need to do. Many Executors are chosen on the basis of a) having a previous established (close) relationship based on trust with the person creating the Last Will and Testament, and b) knowledge of the financial matters pertaining to the role.

We will list the responsibilities and tasks an Executor takes on  further down below (although this is by no means an exhaustive list).

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A Living Will is a legal document which is also known under the following terminology: a Power of Attorney for Personal Care, a Health Care Power of Attorney, or an Advance Directive. When you use our DIY order forms, you can specify the type of medical treatment you wish to receive in certain situations, and you can even appoint someone to make health-related decisions for you on your behalf.

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Think you’re ready to prepare a Will? Preparing a Will online saves you time and money, and spares your loved ones the headaches of  dealing with skyrocketing administrative fees and estate taxes after you pass away. Without a Last Will and Testament in place, your heirs may also go through a lengthy court process, which may change to whom and where your property, estate, assets, etc. are going to go. Think about how the process will go by first starting out with your Will.

Being clear about your intentions once you have passed is essential to creating a Will, so preparing yourself adequately for the process of creating one is vital.

We’ve outlined below the information you need to have handy and the questions you need to ask yourself now that you’ve decided to create your Will online.

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