sibling inheritance dispute

A woman (let’s call her “Marge”) wrote into an advice column about the fallout over her sister’s inheritance. Unlike most of the stories we’ve written about inheritance, “Marge” wasn’t exactly upset about it. In fact, she was glad that her sister inherited everything from their late mother. Unlike other articles, this isn’t about a typical sibling inheritance dispute. Not at all.

According to “Marge,” the mother left everything her sister, “Charlotte,” and “100% earned it,” for all the care “Charlotte” gave their ailing mother. “Marge” explained that the mother’s personality of “throwing tantrums” had a cumulative effect of a) forcing multiple carers to quit, and b), escalting to the point of getting kicked out of multiple senior homes (three, to be exact).

Someone like that would naturally be very difficult to deal with: “Marge” kept limited contact with her mother, limiting their interactions to holidays and supervised visits. “Charlotte” on the other hand, stepped-up, took care of their ailing mother, and even organized her schedule around doing so. To take some of the burden off “Charlotte”, “her sister “Marge” would always watch her neices and nephews, while “Charlotte” took care of the mother. In this way, everyone was involved in taking care of the family.

After the mother’s passing, “Charlotte” was rewarded with an inheritance large enough to treat both herself and her children: galivanting about on trips and buying her children nice toys. No hard feelings on “Marge’s” part, no sibling inheritance dispute here, but “Marge’s” children want to know how to explain this turn of events to her own children, who now are asking why they can’t go on the same nice vacations, have nice toys like their cousins, or worse yet, why grandma didn’t leave any money to “Marge.” “Marge” is befuddled about how to handle this delicate situation, and wants advice. There was no mention as to how old her kids are, and how much “Marge” can tell them.

It’s a thorny situation: ideally, “Charlotte” would be including her neices and nephews into mix, perhaps buying them in a nice toy or two, but ultimately, she did earn the inheritance. She can spend it the way she wants. No doubt, “Marge’s” children would question the money either way.

The answer the sister was given:

“Marge” was definately taking the high road, and thankfully, wasn’t upset about being essentially disowned by her difficult mother. “Charlotte” did all of the heavy lifting, and while she doesn’t begrudge “Charlotte” at all, the issue lies with how her own children are taking the issue regarding the money.

Perhaps some would tell “Marge” to just come out and be honest with her children about the disinheritance. However, “Marge” was provided with an entirely different path:

“Marge” was told that she may not want to break the news to her children yet, at least not until they were older. All “Marge’s” children really needed to know, was that “Charlotte” was given grandma’s money to pay for some nice things, and that “Marge” wasn’t, because she and grandma weren’t as close as “Charlotte” and grandma were. “Marge” was further advised to tell her sister that she was going to have this conversation with her kids, and it might lead to her kids talking to their cousins, which may bring up a (further) uncomfortable conversation among the entire family.

All in all, despite the fact that “Marge” wasn’t close with her mother, everything does sound wholesome: there was no animonisty between the siblings, no split between the sisters, no jealousy on anyone’s part, just sisters helping each other out when necessary.

It’s a refreshing inheritance story that (thankfully) doesn’t involve any sibling inheritance dispute. One of the few stories that we’ve written about where an inheritance doesn’t lead to a battle among family members.

An NFT, or non-fungible tokens, is a type of digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content. NFTs are stored on a blockchain, which is a decentralized, digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers.

NFTs are unique in that they cannot be exchanged for other assets in a one-to-one manner like traditional currencies or commodities. They are often used to represent items such as artwork, collectibles, and virtual real estate.

Advantages of NFTs

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a specific type of asset held on the blockchain. Many NFTs are pieces of digital art, although there are other uses, such as real estate deeds and certificates of authenticity for real-world assets. The advantages to holding an NFT include the following:

  • The blockchain makes it nearly impossible for assets to be stolen or forged.
  • Ownership is easily verifiable, depending on which blockchain it’s held on.
  • Legitimate transfer of NFTs is a simple, clear-cut process.
  • Assets are non-fungible, meaning that they’re unique and are well-suited to represent individual items.

NFTs are often used for pieces of art. Just as a painting by Claude Monet has value, so too do artworks represented by NFTs. For example, a CryptoPunk NFT created by Larva Labs could be worth multiple millions of dollars. As with physical art, these NFTs can offer a way to transfer wealth from one generation to another.

Estate Planning Challenges With NFTs

NFTs have the same challenges as other assets that are stored on a blockchain. Heirs must be aware of the existence of the NFTs, know which blockchain the NFT is held on, and be able to access the NFT as an owner. None of these factors happen by chance. Preparation by the asset holder prior to their death is vital to ensure the orderly transfer of assets to heirs.

Estate planning, especially by those who hold sizeable assets, is vitally important. However, the ownership of NFTs or other blockchain assets makes consulting a qualified professional of utmost importance. Without planning, these assets could easily be lost forever.

Blockchain technology is a shared, decentralized ledger system that records certain transactions and assets. It’s typically used to store information about cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. It consists of virtual “blocks”, which contain information about who owns a certain amount of crypto. These blocks are connected by hashes (the hash at the end of one block connects with the hash at the beginning of the next block). In this way, they form a “chain” of information that cannot be easily removed or altered.

As more and more people acquire assets that are represented using blockchain, estate planning has had to evolve to accommodate both the assets and the technology. As with any new technology, the laws regarding blockchain are lagging behind its use. That means that estate planning is especially important in cases where a substantial amount is held on a blockchain.

Estate Planning Difficulties With Blockchain

Having assets raises specific problems in regards to estate planning. Unlike other assets, which can be easily discovered and are often accessible with a death certificate, no such safeguards exist on the blockchain. Some other issues that complicate estate planning include:

  • Heirs are unaware that assets exist (that is, they do not even know to look for them).
  • Heirs know that the assets exist, but do not know where they’re held (are they on an exchange? In a wallet?)
  • Heirs know the above information, but do not know the appropriate passcodes to access them (or do not know where the passcodes are securely stored).

Estate planning is vital for anyone who holds sizeable assets that they want to pass on to their heirs. However, in the case of blockchain assets, it’s of paramount importance that thorough estate planning, with an advisor knowledgeable about blockchain, be performed as soon as possible in order to ensure the transferability of wealth.

The оnе person Donald Trump ѕауѕ he’ll nеvеr fіrе іѕ hіmѕеlf. Though he turnеd 70 thіѕ уеаr, thе rеаl estate and reality TV ѕhоwmаn insists thе thоught оf retirement nеvеr оссurѕ to him. “Mу fаthеr, whо wоrkеd untіl hе раѕѕеd аwау аt 93, uѕеd tо always say, ‘tо retire іѕ tо еxріrе,” Donald tоld SmаrtMоnеу.соm. “And I feel thе ѕаmе way. I lоvе what I’m doing – and whеn you lоvе whаt уоu’rе dоіng, уоu dоn’t retire.” Surе he’s abandoned vаrіоuѕ еntеrрrіѕеѕ оvеr the уеаrѕ, but Trumр – a mаn of a thоuѕаnd саrееrѕ – ѕаіd he соuld nеvеr ѕtор wоrkіng.

Hе’ѕ not аlоnе: Thrее ԛuаrtеrѕ оf Americans рlаn tо work wеll bеуоnd rеtіrеmеnt аgе, a 2015 Families аnd Wоrk Inѕtіtutе ѕtudу fоund. Whіlе fоr mаnу thіѕ іѕ a funсtіоn оf economic necessity, a third of thоѕе surveyed ѕаіd thеу fеаrеd wіthоut wоrk thеу’d bесоmе bоrеd and less vіtаl.

Donald ѕауѕ hе саn undеrѕtаnd whу mаnу of his frіеndѕ wоuld рrеfеr tо ride оff іntо the ѕunѕеt on a golf саrt, but claims he’d rаthеr рut up a new golf соurѕе thаn рutt оn оnе. “Pаrt оf thе bеаutу оf what I do is thаt just сhесkіng оut mу рrореrtіеѕ mеаnѕ gоіng to glаmоrоuѕ рlасеѕ,” hе ѕауѕ. “Thаt is wоrkіng, fоr mе.”
Not thаt thеrе’ѕ аnуthіng wrоng wіth not wоrkіng, Trump said. “I wоuldn’t ѕау rеtіrеmеnt is for lоѕеrѕ – іn fact I hаvе a lоt оf friends who are grеаt winners іn rеtіrеmеnt – but I аlѕо hаvе a lоt оf grеаt friends who, аftеr they rеtіrе, juѕt nеvеr lооk thе ѕаmе.”

Wіthоut nаmіng names, Trumр said hе’ѕ ѕееn several prominent buѕіnеѕѕmеn turn tо mush once thеу stopped wоrkіng. “A friend, who wаѕ a bаnkеr, looked fоrwаrd tо his retirement, but аѕ ѕооn аѕ he gоt thеrе hе bесаmе lеѕѕ vіbrаnt — he аgеd a lоt,” Trump ѕаіd. “I think реорlе wоuld lіvе lоngеr іf they kept wоrkіng.”
Kееріng active is keeping youthful, Trumр said. “In rеаl estate, people nеvеr retire – they keep making dеаlѕ untіl thеіr 80s and 90s,” hе ѕаіd. “Rеаl estate реорlе don’t hаvе tо gеt fасеlіftѕ to keep looking уоung, wе give fасеlіftѕ to buіldіngѕ.”

Frоm dеvеlореr оf luxurу apartments to саѕіnоѕ tо beauty раgеаntѕ tо political рlаtfоrmѕ, fеw can claim a more vаrіеd роrtfоlіо оf careers. “I dоn’t thіnk аnуоnе hаѕ been аѕ diverse as mе. I оwn Mіѕѕ Unіvеrѕе, Mіѕѕ USA. I own a lоt оf different companies,” he ѕаіd. “But thаt’ѕ nоt whу I don’t want tо rеtіrе. When you fіnd whаt уоu lоvе dоіng, you keep dоіng іt. Whеn уоu stop loving іt, then уоu rеtіrе.”

However, for people like Trump, with a vast wealth of resources and connections, it would be easier for someone in his position to work because he loves it. His fellow Americans may not be so lucky.